Geogrid Installation Procedures
Kami menjual Tensar Geogrid di Indonesia yaitu Geogrid dengan tipe :
- Tensar Geogrid Uniaxial : RE520, RE540, RE560, RE580. Digunakan sebagai perkuatan timbunan tanah seperti pada Multiblock Retaining Wall System dan perkuatan lereng tembunan.
- Tensar Geogrid Triax : TX150, TX160, TX170, TX190L. Merupakan versi lanjutan dari Geogrid Biaxial dengan performa lebih baik, yaitu penyebaran bebannya lebih merata dibanding Biaxial.
- Tensar Geogrid Biaxial : SS20, SS30, SS40. Yang berfungsi sebagai stabilisasi tanah dasar yang lunak seperti pada area rawa, gambut dan soft clay.
Proper geogrid installation is also based on subgrade strength. Note: Routine construction procedures are normally recommended for site preparation.
Kami merupakan distributor tunggal produk Tensar di Indonesia, tidak menjual : Geogrid China, Geogrid Mirafi Grid, Fortrac, Tenax.
Untuk mendapatkan informasi harga Geogrid, pembelian dan brosur, silahkan kontak :
PT Multibangun Rekatama Patria
Hp. 0812 108 3060
Telp 021 989 07652
Fax 021 5324322
Email :
Pin BBM : 75FE2721
Steps and Tips to Placing Geotextiles
Geotextile installation can be an easy process when you have the proper tools and installation procedure. Below you will find a general guide to installation of any of our geotextile fabrics. Please feel free to contact us with any additional questions about geotextile function or site-specific requirements for your location.
Geotextile Installation Procedure
Step 1: Prepare the install area. This will typically involve a process of removing trees and brush from the top layer of soil and vegetation from the subgrade materials. Weak pockets of soil should be replaced with granular fill.
Step 2: Smooth and level the subgrade. All depression or humps within the subgrade should be removed.
Step 3: Place the geotextile in the prepared installation area. Fabric should be laid out according to engineered plans or site recommendations. Fabric should be stretched as tight and as flat as possible.
Step 4: Overlap adjacent rolls as specified for your site. If no instructions exist, fabric should be overlapped at a minimum or 12-18 inches.
Step 5: Secure the fabric with staples, pins, soil or other suitable materials. Fabric should be secured along the edges and then at overlapping portions.
Step 6: Loosely place fill directly on the geotextile in 8' to 12' lifts. For very weak subgrades, 18' or thicker may be required.
See our Geotextile Installation PDF Flyer for more information.
Tips on Sewing and Overlapping
When installing a geotextile, adjacent fabric can either be sewn or overlapped. The following is from the AASHTO and is set as general guidelines for determining when to sew and when to overlap.
- Soil CBR> 3 -Minimum overlap of 0.3 to 0.45 m
- Soil CBR 1-3 -Minimum overlap of 0.6-1
- Soil CBR< 0.5 - Must be sewn
Many handheld sewing machines meet Federal Stitch Type 401 (Sample Models: Single Thread, Chain Stitch, Union Special, American Newlong) We recommend using an electric motor for standard use and an air-operated motor for hazardous conditions.
Thread (Depending on application, proper thread choice can be determined by supplier.)
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- Light Weight Fabric: 4 yards of thread for each yard sewn
- Medium Weight Fabric: 6 yards of thread for each yard sewn
- Heavy Weight Fabric: 9 yards of thread for each yard sewn
Thread Usage Formula (for each row of sewing): 4 + (2x (thickness of seam) x (1/length of 1 stitch)) = inches of thread use per inch sewn
Browse our entire selection of Geotextiles. If you know the type and weight you need, click on the links below for more information.
Woven Geotextiles | Nonwoven Geotextiles |
View all of our Soil Erosion Control Products.
Questions about geotextile function? We can help! Call our team at 1-772-646-0597 or fill out our quote request form to discuss your requirements.