Gate Keepers Anime Download Site

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Notice: This review covers both seasons. The hook of this show was a medieval civilization coming in contact with an advanced one. How will they interact, solve their differences, coexist, and learn from each other? A very interesting concept that is sadly completely destroyed by the simple fact the whole thing is based on a light novel written by a military otaku and then adapted by A-1 Pictures, the studio with an uncontrollable urge for butt shots. The first episode is promising, since it shows how the less advanced civilization would try to solve all its problems by invading and taking over land by burning down houses and enslaving its population. The more advanced civilization would of course not only overwhelm it with better weaponry but also use far more elaborate political games to ally itself with this now world. All that are soon thrown out the window soon afterwards, since the author was more interested in self-indulging in a fantasy where his favorite toy soldiers are steamrolling everything else and have harem adventures with all sorts of fetishes. It is not hard to see his overbearing nationalism, as he favors the Japanese military (JSDF) to the point they are doing everything right, while everybody else is incompetent. Bastille pompeii audio download. This does not limit to savages from the other realm, but also to every other nation on our earth.Anyways, the plot is basically a bunch of otakus joining the military and crossing over to the other side of a dimensional gate, where they are supposed to secure their forces and forge a truce with the local leaders. The way they achieve this is by simply bombing the hell out anything that attacks them, scaring the leaders with a display of advanced weaponry, and amassing a harem of elves, witches, bunny girls, and any other sexual fetish you can imagine to be their prize. Everything is clearly one-sided, as there is no actual cultural exchange taking place. The JSDF is easily taking over everything with its super amazing tactics and firepower, while at the same time showing zero interest in magic forces that would allow it to make people immortal, or offer it instant regeneration. This is what I meant by self-indulgence, since there is no attempt to make both sides grey. If you are a Japanese soldier, you are the paragon of good with the most powerful weapons in the universe. If you are anything else, you are an incompetent asshole who loves to gloat before getting pulverized by the awesome JSDF. The show goes as far as making America seem like a back stabbing bunch of assholes who wouldn’t miss the chance to invade and take over the gate (something which they do before magically getting wiped out by the supreme JSDF). Also, the nobles on the magical realm are sadistic rapists who love to torture innocents, thus making them one-dimensional evils that deserve to be killed by the (of course) inspiring JSDF. And of course all females in the show are there just for otaku pandering, to be saved by our noble heroes and then turn into their waifus. Essentially, this is an anime that belongs in the pre-WW2 era, when everything animated in Japan was military propaganda. The characters have no real personality or character development and exist to simply be plot devices for furthering an agenda. The protagonist in particular is a clear example of a character not made to be an individual, but rather an archetype appealing to a certain demographic. He represents what otakus worldwide wish they would be (kindhearted, with a job, nobody minds his sleazy hobbies, is super smart, a top soldier, all chicks want to have sex with him) and has no problems in his life other than missing the latest porn doujin because orcs invaded his manga store. It’s all so painfully pandering to the point it stops being funny after a couple of episodes. Yet another example of why light novels are cancer and otaku pandering is what helps it spread.

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